QR code based secure warranty card

 QR code based secure warranty card


 We are addressing the issue of warranty card generating system. Warranty means when a customer purchases an item a warranty is given by the manufacturer, guaranteeing the service of the item.

If the item is not functioning without making any mistake by the customer, this item will be replaced or repaired without any changes during the warranty period. However, the supplier sells an item with conditions, that is replaced or repair will be done in a said period.

Generally, customer losing their invoice (bill) or warranty cards is a common problem of the current system, Because of losing warranty cards some time. They might loss the warranty of item, to find out and the alternative is a long process, causing some various difficulties such as wasting time, wasting money, wasting energy & stress etc.

 In order to avoid these difficulties and to provide the necessary information immediately, we suggest in the research work encoding and decoding warrant using by QR code system. This will be developed to make the customer easier to get warranty details and help in solving the current issues.

  Introduction to the QR code

QR code means Quick Response. It is a two-dimensional barcode (2D) which means that is scanned in two directions that are vertical and horizontal. A QR code is created and protected by the Japanese company Denso Wave in 1994. The QR code for designed for car manufacturing plants to manage car part inventories. The major purpose of QR code development is encoding and reading easily for user [1].

A QR code is emphasizing on high – speed reading. A QR code can be used without the cost and with no issues of duplicate correcting. They are becoming public used worldwide.

A QR code can be managed all types of data, for example, letters, numbers, audios, graphics and videos files.

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