1. Zoo Information Management System (ZIMS) for Anna Zoological Park, Chennai, India
    Thiruthanigesan, N. Thiruchchelvan, A. M. Vinitha and J. J. Inico, 2016, “Zoo Information Management System (ZIMS) for Anna Zoological Park, Chennai, India.” Advances in Biological Research, 10(1): 10-14. https://www.idosi.org/abr/10(1)16/2.pdf
  2. Automated Certificate Issuing and Students’ Management System for College of Technology
    Thushyanthy K. Thiruthanigesan W. M. P. P. Wanninayake and N. Thiruchchelvan, 2016, “Automated Certificate Issuing and Students’ Management System for College of Technology, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.” Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research24 (7): 2204-2208. https://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr24(7)16/5.pdf
  3. Secured Library Management System (LMS) for Public Library of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
    Balalojanan, T. Jeyaperatha, K. Thiruthanigesan, W. M. P. P. Wanninayake and Thiruchchelvan, 2016. “Secured Library Management System (LMS) for Public Library of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.” Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research24 (7): 2209-2215  https://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr24(7)16/6.pdf
  4. Secure Login Using Encrypted Password and Email Based Login Approach
    Balalojanan, T. Jeyaperatha, K. Thiruthanigesan and N. Thiruchchelvan. 2017 “Secure Login Using Encrypted Password and Email Based Login Approach” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2017)Vol 5 (2): 44-48  http://www.ijarcst.com/doc/vol5issue2/kthiru.pdf
  5. Data Verification and Validation Process in the Management System Development
    Thiruthanigesan and N. Thiruchchelvan. 2017, “Data Verification and Validation Process in the Management System Development” Middle-East Journal of Scientific ResearchVol 25 (5): 902-911  https://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr25(5)17/1.pdf
  6. Analysing Efficiency and Effectiveness of Clap Switch Mechanism Based on the NE 555 Clap Switch and Arduino Clap Switch
    Jeyaperatha, K. Thiruthanigesan and N. Thiruchchelvan. 2017, “Analysing Efficiency and Effectiveness of Clap Switch Mechanism Based on the NE 555 Clap Switch and Arduino Clap Switch” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2017)Vol 5 (4): 27-31. http://www.ijarcst.com/doc/vol5issue4/tjeya.pdf
  7. The Real Time Face Detection and Recognition System.
    Niranjani , B.Tharmila, C. Sukirtha, K. Kamalraj, S. Thanujan, P.Janarthanan, N.Thiruchchelvan and K. Thiruthanigesan. 2017, “The Real Time Face Detection and Recognition System” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2017)Vol 5 (4): 51-58. http://www.ijarcst.com/doc/vol5issue4/nniranjani.pdf
  8. Piratheepan, S. Sasikaran, P. Thanushkanth, S. Tharsika, M. Nathiya, C. Sivakaran, N. Thiruchchelvan and K. Thiruthanigesan. 2017, “Fingerprint Voting System Using Arduino “ Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research Vol 25 (8): 1793-1802. https://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr25(8)17/18.pdf
  1. Jathumithran, V. Thamilarasan, A. Piratheepan, P. Rushanthini, J. Mercy veniancya, P. Nirupa and K. Thiruthanigesan “Enhancing ATM Security Using Fingerprint”. ICTACT JOURNAL ON MICROELECTRONICS, JULY 2018, VOLUME: 04, ISSUE: 02. http://ictactjournals.in/paper/IJME_Vol_4_Iss_2_Paper_4_570_575.pdf
  2.  Srikajan, U. Vithusha, S. Kamsavathana, R. Harthiyayini, J. Susana, A. Jerin and K. Thiruthanigesan “A Theoretical Approach of Biometrics Based Student Management”.ICTACT JOURNAL ON SOFT COMPUTING, OCTOBER 2018, VOLUME: 09, ISSUE: 01  http://ictactjournals.in/paper/IJSC_Vol_9_Iss_1_Paper_3_1794_1805.pdf