Local Area Network Project Proposal NVQ Level 5 ICT

Local Area Network Implementation

College of Technology Jaffna

NVQ Level IV Semister  II

Kamsavathana Sivanantham


First and foremost, I want to thank my lecturer Mr. Thiruthanegesan for guiding me during the project, since the proposal. I appreciate all his contributions of time and thoughts for making my project knowledge scintillating. The pleasure and enthusiasm I had for research, along with the inspiration and assurance forced by him on us, resulted in the successful determination of our project.

Thus I would like to give an honest thanks to my “College of Technology Jaffna” for providing me the platform in which we have put my raw knowledge of concepts to an implementation level. The availabilities of laboratories with skilled technical equipment made my job easier. The facility of the internet provided me with the case which helped me to reach the implementation level fast.

This project would not have been probably without the help of others. I would like to thank them for their efforts in improving the end result. Before I do so, however, I should refer that I have done my best to correct the faults that the reviewers have pointed out and to perfectly describe the protocols and mechanisms. I alone am responsible for any remaining errors.

Finally, I express my sincere thanks to my colleagues for their suggestions and concepts to make this project. We wish to record our appreciation to all the people who directly or indirectly contributed their help during the course of the project.


A Local Area Network (LAN) is a number of computers and computer peripherals (storage devices, printers) connected by high-speed data lines within a building or adjacent buildings.

Today the world is becoming more and more connected. Internet communication is now part of our life. The network devices are going to be pretty soon.  The networking applications, which have heavy bandwidth requirements, are been introduced.  This rapid growth means that today’s networks have to be easily scalable, easily configurable and fast enough to handle all the traffic. Current networking paradigm has some obvious flaws when it comes to these requirements. So the time has come to a paradigm shift in networking.

LANs originated as a way of interconnecting diverse electronic equipment within an organization, which would permit local processing while also giving access to other devices connected to the network.  Local area networking may be compared with respect to the method of the interconnection of the participating devices and to their methods of data transmission and control.

Topologically, local area networking may best be classified as being ring or tree. Independently of the topology, the connection medium may be most currently available Local area networking use either coaxial cable or twisted pair. Coaxial cable allows higher data rates but is somewhat more expensive and less robust than twisted pairs.

As far as control is concerned, a general philosophy has been to avoid centralization. A good local area networking installation should continue to work if a number of components fail or are disconnected. For example, the duplication of devices such as cables and file servers. In systems, the failure of a device is likely to cause the entire network to fail unless such precautions have been taken.

The new networking application needs, at a better speed than what we have today. The networking control plane is not distributed among the nodes, like have today. But is rather centralized at a single location, which provides the capability to configure or troubleshoot the complete network at one go. There are a couple of networking protocols that are designed to facilitate communication between the controller and the nodes.

Data transmission is generally in “packets” of a few hundred to a few thousand bits. Each packet contains the source and destination addresses as well as “real” data. The speed of data transmission is between a few hundred thousand and several million bits per second. It should be noted that the total amount of data that can be transmitted over a network is considerably less than that given by the ‘raw’ data transmission rate, because of the necessity for transmitting control information and for avoiding collisions.

However, transmission capacity is rarely a limiting factor. Transmission accuracy is generally high, particularly in networks; in any case, error detection codes are incorporated in the packets, so that retransmission can take place automatically in the event of an error.

In choosing between a local is networking and a multi-user minicomputer there are two factors to be taken cost and performance. It had been hoped to give some comparative hardware and software prices to help prospective purchasers in their choice of configurations for the automation of small libraries. For a combination of reasons, it is not possible to do this realistically.

Question 01

Question 02

Question 03
Question 04

Discussion about questionnaires

A Local Area Network(LAN) is a computer or telecommunication network that extends over the shortest distance. Education entities use local area networks to relay data among staff, lectures, students, buyers, and suppliers from various geographical location.

The meetings were held in Technical college Jaffna with head of the department. In addition, they were also agreed that the structure of the network should be comprehensive in order to facilities a participative and commonly beneficial approach.

We study about their ideas and locations and, collected some details to implement the network connection for their lectures room. Discuss with them about the project estimate which they evaluate. Finally, they evaluate 35 lacks for this network implementation. The project dead line in 45 working days. The main reasons of the network implementation are sharing the resources (such as printers, bandwidth, Scanners, projectors, and etc.), easy to lectures and easy to lean. In fact, the old network system has so many troubleshooting. There are not good security options for their network. Some old resources were damaged. They will implantation by new one. The current network system is very slow so they have faced wicked problems.

There are more than thousands of students and 150 lectures and staffs. Whole of them will be use the entire network. The head of the department required 35 client PCs for their uses. There are five printers and 2 scanners are required.

The department required us to implement each user code for the better security and high security for each device.  They like the fire wall security for save their devices and whole network system. If they send data or information through email before scanned them. Department not provide the faxing facilities in each desktop PCs.

The Local Area Network implementation by the CAT5 cables. There are up to five hundred meter wires must wanted. In the network connection to use modular switch and intelligent hub. The proxy server and online UPS evaluate for the purpose the better network connection.

Their provider is Sri Lanka Telecommunication (SLT). The college not have any network interfaces they required us to be design for them during the implementation.

In the final discussion they provide the hardware source vendor is HP. Technical college required to install the software as,

ü Software:

·        Operating system – Windows 10

·        Application Software – MS Office, SQL, Photoshop, Illustrator, and etc.

In the wicked of data that will be stored in the hard disk so we provide the hard disk capacity as 1 Taiga Bytes (1TB), Random access memory (RAM) is temporary storage device. It addressed more data or information in working time. Its preformation is important for the network connection. We provide RAM as 4 Giga Bytes (GB). The monitor is 21 inches. That is enough for common purpose.

 The head of the department likes recovery system. They already have a Mac data recovery software. Before two months ago they recovered their data and file.

Finally, we got good decision of the network implantation and agreed with them. 

Network Diagram

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