College of Technology Jaffna Management System - COTMS


College of Technology Jaffna Management System - COTMS

V. Thusyanthy, K. Thiruthanigesan, W.M.P.P. Wanninayake, N. Thiruchchelvan

College of Technology, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

University College of Anuradhapura, University of Vocational Technology, Sri Lanka.

University College of Jaffna, University of Vocational Technology, Sri Lanka.

New User Registration



General outline about the project

 The world in 21st century is growing up in the technology in every field such as education, medicine, transport etc. The use of technology makes the world so faster and easier than the early world and it releases the world from manual usage in the many fields.

In the early days the manual usage cause many mistake by the user and administrative. Using manual properties in the fields was not comfortable for the consumers because it was slower than technical usages, caused wastages of the consumers’ time and contained many formalities in usage.

“COT System Exam Evaluation Section” is this project using College of technology Exam Evaluation section administration, maintenances and Issue Report. Now also most of the College of technology are using manual programs in their administration, maintenances and Issue Report. This project was prepared for using computerized programs for the above fields.

This was prepared for the uses of College of technology Jaffna because in our College of technology used manual programs for administration, maintenance for long years. According to the basic needs of programs for this COT System Exam Evaluation Section, project was prepared to make the works easier and modernized.

According to the request of COT System Exam Evaluation Section for their basic needs of computerized program for the above fields this project have been designed. The goal of this project is to make the activities of the COT easier and modernized.

Login Page

System analysis 

Problem definition

The need for COT management System is concerned With COT  handling and Keeping all the data in a Proper way that can be maintained without any error Data’s. This project provides a new way to maintain the students’ entries by providing the student admission which will be saved in the data base by that any time the admin can view the entries details of the students as well as the no of admitted students & their details by the entries.

It also keeps the track of students data’s with its unique id in such a way that the data’s of the students are loaded into the database. The unique id also is used to display the loaded data’s.

The expected system should at least have two types of users with roles different from each other. The administrator(Admin/Director) has no limitation on handling data’s while other officer/data entry operator are have their own limitation an handling data. The admin can have all right on the data, he can allow the new user into the system.

We are believed that this COT system will provide diplomatic way in maintains the COT.

Existing system

The current system in the College of Technology Jaffna has only the manual entry and the data’s both the Examination marks entries and marks sheet issuing (as like excel and word record keeping method) are not saved in the secured database if leads to major drawback to handling the data with error.

Proposed system

 The College of technology examination section can tackle the problem by upgrading to Computerized Systems. The system should be able to generate marks sheet based on the request of the user and must save the data back to the database on successfully generating of marks sheets. And Easy to keeping all the Students marks data in a Proper way that can be maintained without any error Data’s.

 The administrator will be enjoying the maximum advantage of the system, since he could monitor the real time admit the student and can make comparisons for a certain period using the new system. The data will be provided in simple to understand graphical and chart form. The administrator will be able to monitor the sales process of a user the Admin will have rights to delete any transaction from the database in case he feels it is unnecessary.

 The COT will be free from the headaches of hosting an expensive internal server with in the premises’ rather they can take advantage of accessing it via external server (cloud). The Administrator need not worry about taking backup and other functions of running the server smoothly, hence significantly cutting IT cost.

Student Registration From

 System testing and validation


Testing  is the process of a program or system with the intent of finding errors. Or it involves any activity aimed at evaluationg an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required result. Software is not unlike other physical  process where inputs are received and outputs are produced. Where software differs in the manner in which it fails. Most physical systems fail in many bizzarre ways. Detecting all of the  different failure modes for software is generally infeasible.

Testing is one of the most important part stagers in the software development which can prove whether the implementation and the requirements are in fidelity with each other. Testing can also confirm if the software specification are complete and consistent. One of the main goals of testing is to have a minimum number test case that will find a majority of implementation errors. The software/system that is been tested out here is known as OBSE (object business specification environment). This is a process wherein the queries submitted online are evaluated by a group of experts.

 Testing strategy:

This is involves the tests carried out on program modules, which make up a system. This is also called as a program testing. The programs are tested for correctness of logic applied which in turn shall be able detects errors in coding.

Unit testing:

Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation. Unit testing involves only those characteristics that are vital to the performance of the unit under the test. The units in a system are the modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to perform a specific function. In a large system, many modules at different levels are needed. Unit testing focuses on the modules, independently of one another, to locate errors.

 Unit Testing in College Of Technology Management System (examination section):

The system consists of the following modules:

·         Student Admission form

·         NVQ Course Semi1 marks handling form

·         NVQ Course Semi2 marks handling form

·         OtherCourses marks handling form

·         Student Result Sheet

As unit testing on each and every modules of a system, the above mentinoed modules where tested independently. In each module, data field validation was done by entering correct and wrong values.

·         For example: in the Student Admission formmodule,

Student name filed accepts only alphabets. This feild has between tested by entering alphabets to ensure system accepts it and by entering numeric values to ensure sysetm thows error message.

Diploma course marks handling form, Marks feild accepts only numeric values. This feild hasbeen tested by entering numeric values to ensure system accepts it and by entering alphabets to ensure system thows error message.

Initially, few errors were detected on negative values testing and then it was overcome by including appropriate error handling message.

In addtion to field validation, the function of each command button was tested. For example , on click the add buttion in the students’s details, whether the system adds the new student data to the table or not and user is able to retrieve back sucessfully were tested. Few run-time errors were encountered during testing and then it was resolved by adding proper loops & other methods.


In this system, each module is dependent to another by one way or the other. So the integration testing was done in to ensure any action in a module resulted in the appropriate data maintenance in another module.

 Acceptance testing:

Acceptance testing is a term referring to the functional testing of a user story by the software development team during the implementation phase. The customer specifies scenarios to test when a user story has been correctly implemented A story can have one or many acceptance tests, whatever it takes to ensure the functionality works. Acceptance tests are black box system test. Each acceptance test represents some expected result from the system.

Acceptance testing in College Of Technology Management System:

Each module in the system is designed for some purpose. Acceptance testing is done on this system to ensure whether the different functions of this system perform as expected.

In the NVQ Course Semi1 marks handling form, NVQ Course Semi2 marks handling form and Other Courses marks handling form user should be able to add, modify, and delete the details at any time. So as part of acceptance testing, Other Courses marks handling form were retrieved and modified few data. On the 2nd login to the system, the update details of the modified and displayed as expected. While testing, the details were modified correctly. But retrieving the same again, system showed the old details this error was resolved after examining the code and a fix was done such that update details are saved to the database properly. After the fix, the data are updated properly as expected.

Certificate Generation


 COT management system- Exam Evaluation section project is very helpful to maintain the whole COT Exam Unit it is very easy to handle and helps environment in saving paper.

            As a Security measure, the user who has valid username and password only can log into the system. So the users cannot use this system without proper authentication. This in turn maintain the confidently of the student details which is quit evidence for student satisfaction.

            Since the project uses the visual C#.Net as the front end program, it is easy for any user with Basic English knowledge and basic computer concepts to use this system with less training. As the project designed with lots of validation for the incorrect user’s input, even if the user enters wrong data, the system itself will prevent the user form entering wrong inputs and proceeding further. This helps to maintain valid data in the database.

            This project helps the staffs to maintain the Student’s details very efficiently. Also there cannot be any calculation errors in marks since this system automatically calculates the total marks and generate grade. To conclude, this project is well documented and will be very helpful for others who need guidance to develop their project. This project is developed to consume time and reduce manual labour. Maintenance is also very easy.   

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